Hot Toddy

Hot Toddy


2 oz.Whiskey
.25 oz.Lemon Juice
2 TeaspoonsBrown Sugar (or Honey Syrup)
To TopHot Water
GarnishLemon Wheel
Garnish4 Cloves


  • Stick the Cloves in a Lemon Wheel
  • Combine the Sugar, Lemon Juice, and Whiskey in a Mug
  • Top with Hot Water
  • Stir till Combined
  • Garnish with the Lemon Wheel and Cloves

The Hot Toddy is an old drink from the 1700’s. It was first used for a variety on medicinal purposes, such as colds and sore throats. Any kind of Whiskey can be used, but if Scotch is used, it becomes closer to a Whiskey Skin.

Irish Coffee

Irish Coffee


1.5 oz.Irish Whiskey
2 TablespoonsBrown Sugar
To TopHot Coffee
To TopCream (or Whipped Cream)


  • Combine the Whiskey and Brown Sugar in an Irish Coffee Mug
  • Add the Coffee but leave room at the top
  • Stir till combined
  • Float Cream on top

The Irish Coffee’s origin is unclear, but is thought to have been created in Ireland in the 1940’s. It was made famous in the 1950’s after an American columnist, named Stanton Delphane had one in Ireland and asked Jack Koeppler, the owner of Buena Vista CafĂ© in San Francisco, California, to recreate it. This is an Official IBA Cocktail.

Homemade Simple Syrup

Homemade Simple Syrup


2 PartsWhite Sugar (or Demerara/Brown Sugar)
1 PartWater
1 SplashVodka


  • Combine the Sugar and Water in a Saucepan
  • Heat until almost boiling while constantly Stirring
  • Pour into a Glass Jar or Bottle once the Sugar is dissolved
  • Add the Vodka and Shake

Simple Syrup is an ingredient used in many cocktails, from the Whiskey Sour to the Tom Collins. The name comes from the fact that the ingredients are very simple. The recipe above is a 2:1 Simple Syrup because it’s more shelf stable than a 1:1 Simple Syrup. Of course that also means it’s more sweet, so adjust your cocktail recipes to your liking. You could also make a 1:1 Simple Syrup by adding Water or removing Sugar. Using a Demerara Sugar will make a Demerara Syrup and the same goes for Brown Sugar.

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