Homemade Orgeat

Homemade Orgeat


1 CupUnsweetened Almond Milk
1.5 CupsWhite Sugar
3 DashesOrange Blossom Water (Optional)
1 BarspoonAlmond Extract
1 SplashVodka


  • Combine the Sugar and Almond Milk in a Saucepan over Medium Heat
  • Stir till the Sugar is dissolved
  • Add the rest of the Ingredients to the Pot
  • Stir till combined
  • Pour into a Glass Jar or Bottle
  • Add the Vodka and Shake

Orgeat is a cocktail syrup that is used in a variety of tiki cocktails like the Mai Tai. It was originally made with Barley, but was eventually changed. It was also made using Bitter Almonds at one point, but because they contain cyanide and can be deadly at large quantities, only Sweet Almonds are used now.

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